VISUALIB v2.50 Graphics Library ------------------------------- Visualib version 2.50 is a state of the art graphics library for both 2-D and 3-D visualizations in Microsoft Windows environment. Packed with powerful features, Visualib is the most sophisticated and yet easy-to-use graphics library available for Windows programmers. With Visualib, application developers can produce high quality graphics outputs on screen, printer, and image files with minimum programming effort. Main features of Visualib includes: * Unlimited number of device independent viewers (cameras) that can be configured and transformed to various settings. * Sophisticated rendering methods including wire frame, solid fill, flat shading, Gouraud shading, and Phong shading. * Programmable shader. * Light sources with different characteristics such as distant, point, or spot lights, positions, colors, intensities. * User defined materials with different properties such as ambient, diffuse, specular, and emission colors. * Advanced visible surface determination. * Local lights and local viewers. * Full set of geometric transformation functions such as translations, rotations, scaling, and shearing. * Transformation matrix stack. * A large collection of ready-to-use graphics primitives. * A complete set of NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline) based 2D and 3D curves and surfaces. * Catmull-Rom spline curves. * Coons patches that interpolate boundary curves. * Solid textures. * Image mapping. * Solid 3D texts using any TrueType fonts. * Packaged in a DLL with a header file and an import library for C and C++, and a declaration file for Visual BASIC. * On-line Windows style and hard copy documentation. * and much more. This evaluation package contains the complete Visualib SDK (evaluation version) and demonstration programs. VLIBDEMO.EXE is the Visualib demo program executable file. It is ready to run in Windows. Try it and enjoy the show! The source code VLIBDEMO.C illustrated the application of Visualib library to create beautiful graphics applications. It uses many features on Visualib and may serve as a template on using Visualib. VLIBDEMO can be built with either Microsoft C/C++ or Borland C++. MAKEFILE is a makefile for Microsoft C/C++ and VLIBDEMO.IDE is a project file for Borland C++ 4.0. VLIBDEMO.FRM is a Visual Basic demo program. VLIBVB.EXE is the executable. VISUALIB.HLP is the on-line reference of Visualib. It is in Windows Help format. You may read it by running WinHelp or access it from the demo program VLIBDEMO. You may try Visualib free of charge for 45 days. After the free trial period, you must register it with Visual Tech if you decide to continue using Visualib. Registered users will receive complete documentation and free technical support. See REGISTER.TXT for registration information. Visual Tech Co. P.O. Box 8735 Fort Wayne, IN 46898-8735 (219)489-0235 fax:(816)746-6618